Sculpta Candle

Do you ever truly notice the everyday products that you use? Simply seeing them is different from actively deriving meaning from them. Noticing requires mindfulness and being fully present in the moment. It requires you to take in information and derive meaning from it. Unfortunately, it’s rare for us to be consistently mindful about the objects we use. To address this, I wanted to design a line of “people-planet” products for Touchgrass that create moments of novelty and beauty within the ordinary.

The name “Sculpta” is derived from “sculpture” and is the first conceptual product in this line of beautiful wellness products. As you rotate Sculpa, it presents a new perspective to view the object. The recycled, frosted glass allows light to pass through in new and interesting ways. When the object is repositioned, the nature of the product transforms from a rectilinear to a curvaceous one. The hope is that when you look at Sculpa, you won’t just see it, but you’ll truly notice it.

Year: 2021
Role: Design Director, Industrial Designer
Output: Industrial Design Concept